Newsletter [newsletter] une centaine de festivals supprimés à cause des baisses de subventions Une centaine de festivals à travers la France ont été supprimés ou annulés en raison principalement des coupes budgétaires pratiquées Drive (2011) - The Quadrant System One of the many pleasures of Nicolas Winding Refn’s “Drive” (2011) is that the shots feel both tightly composed and The Bad Sleep Well (1960) - The Geometry of a Scene One of Akira Kurosawa’s many gifts was staging scenes in ways that were bold, simple and visual. I’m working on Jackie Chan - How to Do Action Comedy Some filmmakers can do action. Others can do comedy. But for 40 years, the master of combining them has been Snowpiercer - Left or Right Characters make choices which they cannot take back. The question is: how do you show it visually? Here’s one solution The Silence of the Lambs - Who Wins the Scene? In drama, two characters walk into a room. Each wants something from the other. The question of the scene is: David Fincher - And the Other Way is Wrong For sheer directorial craft, there are few people working today who can match David Fincher. And yet he describes his Robin Williams - In Motion Robin Williams was a genius, but he was also a dedicated craftsman who explored how an actor could express character Mother (2009) - The Telephoto Profile Shot A brief analysis of one aspect of Bong Joon-ho's great film Mother (2009). WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS. For educational purposes only. The Imposter (2012) - Looking into the Lens A brief analysis of Bart Layton's The Imposter (2012). WARNING: SPOILS EVERY GODDAMN THING. For educational purposes only. English & « Avant 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 14 Suite »