Interview Acteur Interview Réalisateur

How to Improve Your Improv: Commercials | The Business | SAG-AFTRA Foundation

Improv is such a vital skill and tool when it comes to performing. Actors Paul Mabon, Milana Vayntrub, Bill Parks, session runner Jonathan Runyon and casting director Maya Adrabi discuss how to improve those skills, how to apply them to auditions and performances and how to discern which classes/programs are the best fit for you. Moderated by Laura Linda Bradley.

The Business panels provide multiple viewpoints from directors, producers, writers, agents, managers, casting directors and industry experts on a wide range of topics. Through this program, actors receive first-hand tips and strategies from established creators and leading professionals who know how to navigate the complex landscape of the entertainment industry. This was filmed at the Meryl Streep Center for Performing Artists on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

The views expressed in the presentation materials and films, and by the guests and moderators are solely those of the organization and/or individual providing them and do not reflect the opinions of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, its staff or Board of Directors.

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The SAG-AFTRA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most comprehensive, educational and state-of-the-art resources to SAG-AFTRA members. The Foundation believes that the contributions made to our culture by performing artists are not only valuable, but essential.

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation relies entirely on donations to provide emergency assistance and free educational programs to SAG-AFTRA artists. This conversation is made possible thanks to the generosity of our supporters.

Since 1985, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation has granted over $33 million in emergency financial assistance to SAG-AFTRA artists and families in urgent need. If you are a SAG-AFTRA artist and need help, please ask. And, if you can help, please give at:

All donations are tax-deductible.

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