
Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones on “The Theory of Everything” HFPA Exclusive

For someone who is bound to his wheelchair and can only speak through a vocalizer device, Steven Hawking is a pretty communicative man. In fact the British scientist has to be one of the most expansive luminaries in the history of science. The brilliant astrophysicist has produced numerous TV series on science and documentaries about the cosmology, the universe and, of course, the nature of time. He’s written science books and children’s fiction, appeared on talk shows and played himself on pop shows like The Simpsons. Documentaries have also been made about him by the likes of Errol Morris and he’s been the subject of biopics, like the BBC produced Hawking in which he was played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Now, in what is shaping up as the Summer of Geniuses (with Cumberbatch playing Alan Turing in Imitation Game), his life is the subject of The Theory of Everything, a film directed by James March in which he’s played by Eddie Redmayne and his wife Jayne is played by Felicity Jones. We talked to them about the film and their buzz-worthy performances.

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