‘GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S PINOCCHIO’ with Guillermo del Toro & more filmmakers | Academy Conversations
‘GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S PINOCCHIO’ Academy Conversation with Guillermo del Toro (Director, Writer, Producer), Mark Gustafson (Director), Alexandre Despat (Composer), Georgina Hayns (Director of Character Fabrication), Brian Leif Hansen (Animation Sup) and Scott Martin Gershin (Sound Design & Supervision).
John Horn
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‘GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S PINOCCHIO’ with Guillermo del Toro & more filmmakers | Academy Conversations
#GUILLERMODELTOROSPINOCCHIO #GuillermodelToro #MarkGustafson #AlexandreDespat #GeorginaHayns #BrianLeifHansen #ScottMartinGershin #movies #filmmaking #Netflix